

31 may | Rennes, France
Business Meeting “La photonique pour l’agriculture”
Co-organised with Photonics France.
>> Closed event


12-13 june | Lannion/Perros-Guirec, France
EPIC Meeting on Specialty Optical Fibers: New Designs and Novel Applications
Workshop, co-organised by EPIC and Photonics Bretagne, on special optical fibres, new designs and new applications. (“Invited companies” rate for Photonics Bretagne members).
>> Closed event


1-5 juily | Rouen, France
Optique Normandie – SFO
The flagship conference of the French Optical Society (SFO), providing an overview of cutting-edge research from the fundamental to the applied, industrial developments and educational innovations.
>> More information and registration
5 july | Lannion, France
Photonics Bretagne General Assembly
A day of meetings and exchanges with Photonics Bretagne’s community of members and partners. An opportunity to take stock of last year’s activities and look ahead to the year ahead. More information to come.
>> More information and registration