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Pôle Mer Bretagne Atlantique meets photonics players in Lannion

The Pôle Mer Bretagne Atlantique, represented by its chairman Patrice Le Lourec and its director Philippe Monbet, came to Lannion to meet players in the photonics sector, including Photonics Bretagne, and the Anticipa technology park. The aim is to increase interaction and create new synergies between players in the photonics and maritime sectors. Photonics has many innovative solutions to offer the maritime industry. Lannion-based companies were able to testify to this to the PMBA and enrich the discussions: David Méchin, Director of Photonics Bretagne, Patrice LE BOUDEC, CEO of IDIL Fibres Optiques and Chairman of Photonics Bretagne, Thierry Georges, Director of Oxxius and Chairman of Photonics France, Estelle Keraval, Director of Anticipa, and Thierry Chartier, lecturer and researcher at the Institut FOTON / ENSSAT.

Patrice Le Lourec rounded off the day’s events with a lecture at ENSSAT entitled “Photonics: a key issue in the maritime sector”. This was an excellent introduction to a possible future cross-industry event between photonics and the maritime sector, which will undoubtedly mark the start of numerous collaborations between Photonics Bretagne and the Pôle Mer Bretagne Atlantique.